LANAP - Arlington, TX

A Laser-Guided Solution to Severe Gum Disease

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LANAP: Precision Laser Gum Disease Treatment

Are you suffering from advanced stages of gum disease and looking for a minimally invasive, gentle solution? As one of the most technologically advanced dental practices in Arlington, TX, DFW Implant Center is proud to offer Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure, or LANAP®. LANAP treatment represents the future of gum disease treatment, providing patients with a  faster, gentler, more effective form of periodontitis treatment. 

Learn how our expert Arlington, TX periodontist, Dr. Farhad Boltchi, can help save your gums and drastically improve your oral health with LANAP treatment by dialing 817-663-4704 if you’re a new patient or 817-467-7731 if you’re current.  

Dr. Boltchi

Dr. Farhad Boltchi

What Are The Risks Of Leaving Gum Recession Untreated?

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What is LANAP Treatment?

LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is used for the treatment of gum disease, especially in the advanced stages. It is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional gum surgery, such as osseous surgery or scaling and root planing.

During LANAP treatment, a dental laser is used to remove bacteria and diseased tissue from the gums without the need for incisions or sutures. The laser targets the infected tissue while preserving healthy gum tissue. It also helps stimulate the regeneration of supporting structures like bone and ligaments.

Benefits of LANAP Treatment

Effective Treatment in One Visit

LANAP offers an efficient solution to gum disease, often requiring only a single treatment session. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules, as it minimizes the time commitment compared to traditional surgeries that may require multiple visits.

Incredibly Precise Results

The use of laser technology allows for exceptional precision during the procedure. This precision ensures diseased tissue is targeted accurately while preserving healthy gums. The focused nature of the laser also contributes to a more controlled and predictable outcome.

No Scalpels, No Stitches

LANAP is a minimally invasive procedure that eliminates the need for traditional surgical tools like scalpels and stitches. The laser is used to gently and precisely treat the affected areas, reducing trauma to the gums. This absence of incisions and sutures contributes to a more comfortable experience for patients.

Minimal Stress

The non-surgical nature of LANAP can be less intimidating and stressful for patients compared to traditional cut-and-sew approaches. The use of a laser promotes a more relaxed environment in the dental office, potentially alleviating anxiety associated with gum disease treatment.

Far More Comfortable Approach

LANAP’s gentle technique generally leads to a more comfortable experience for patients. Without the need for extensive cutting and stitching, discomfort during and after the procedure is minimized, contributing to improved patient satisfaction.

Reduced Swelling and Bleeding

The laser used in LANAP seals blood vessels and nerve endings as it works, leading to reduced bleeding during and after the procedure. This can result in less postoperative swelling and a quicker recovery for patients.

Fast, Virtually Painless Recovery

LANAP’s low-impact nature and reduced trauma to the gums typically lead to a faster and virtually painless recovery. Patients may experience less discomfort, allowing them to return to their regular activities more quickly compared to traditional gum surgeries.

Limited Tooth Root Sensitivity

LANAP’s precision in targeting only the affected areas helps minimize tooth root sensitivity. Patients often report less sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli after the procedure, contributing to an improved oral health experience.

Reduced Gum and Jawbone Recession

LANAP not only treats gum disease but also supports the preservation of existing gum and jawbone structures. By promoting regeneration and tissue attachment, LANAP can contribute to reduced recession of gums and jawbone.

Promotes Growth of New Gum Tissue

The laser used in LANAP stimulates the regrowth of new gum tissue, aiding in the restoration of a healthy gum line. This can contribute to improved aesthetics and long-term oral health outcomes for patients.

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The LANAP Treatment Process


Before undergoing LANAP treatment, you’ll have an initial consultation with Dr. Boltchi. During the consultation with Dr. Boltchi at DFW Implant Center, your oral health is assessed, focusing on the extent and severity of gum disease. 

Dr. Boltchi will review your medical history to identify any underlying health conditions or medications that may impact the LANAP treatment process. He’ll also explain the LANAP procedure, discuss its benefits, the use of Periolase laser technology, and address any concerns or questions the patient may have.

Based on the assessment, Dr. Boltchi develops a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s specific gum disease condition and oral health needs.


On the day of the LANAP treatment, local anesthesia is administered to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Dr. Boltchi will measure the depths of periodontal pockets using periodontal probes to determine the extent of the gum disease and guide the laser treatment. The Periolase laser is calibrated for the specific treatment needs. The laser’s fiber tip is then inserted into the periodontal pockets.

LANAP Treatment

Dr. Boltchi uses the Periolase laser to selectively target and remove bacteria and diseased tissue from the gum pockets, without harming healthy tissue.

The laser will break down and remove calculus (tartar) from the root surfaces of the teeth, promoting a clean and smooth surface for healing. The laser will also stimulate the formation of collagen, promoting the regeneration of gum tissue and supporting structures. This aids in the reattachment of the gums to the tooth roots.

LANAP Treatment Aftercare

After LANAP treatment, you’ll need to take proper care of your gums to ensure proper healing. Dr. Boltchi recommends the following tips for LANAP aftercare: 

  • Oral Hygiene Practices: Maintain diligent oral hygiene by brushing teeth gently twice a day and using an antimicrobial mouthwash as recommended by Dr. Boltchi.
  • Dietary Considerations:  Adopt a soft diet immediately after LANAP treatment. Gradually reintroduce normal foods as advised by the periodontist.
  • Medication Adherence: Take prescribed medications, including antibiotics or pain relievers, as directed by Dr. Boltchi to support the healing process.
  • Avoidance of Tobacco Products: Refrain from smoking and using tobacco products during the recovery period to promote optimal healing and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attend scheduled follow-up appointments at DFW Implant Center to allow Dr. Boltchi to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns promptly.
  • Limit Physical Activity: Avoid strenuous physical activities for the first few days after LANAP to minimize stress on the treated gums.
  • Adherence to Post-Operative Instructions: Follow specific post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Boltchi, including any restrictions on eating, drinking, or other activities.
  • Gentle Oral Rinsing: Rinse the mouth gently with warm salt water or an antimicrobial mouthwash as recommended by the periodontist to keep the treated area clean.
  • Monitoring of Symptoms: Be vigilant for any unusual symptoms, such as excessive bleeding, swelling, or persistent discomfort, and promptly report them to DFW Implant Center.
  • Gradual Resumption of Normal Activities: Gradually resume normal activities based on Dr. Boltchi’s guidance to ensure a smooth transition back to regular routines.
  • Commitment to Long-Term Oral Health: Maintain a commitment to long-term oral health by adhering to recommended oral hygiene practices and attending regular dental check-ups.

Frequently Asked Questions

LANAP is considered a safe and FDA-approved procedure. The laser used in LANAP is precise and minimally invasive, reducing the risks associated with traditional surgical approaches. As with any medical procedure, it’s essential to discuss individual health concerns with your treating periodontist.

Coverage for LANAP varies among insurance plans, with some offering partial coverage while others may classify it as elective. Patients are advised to directly contact their insurance provider to understand specific coverage details. 

The administrative staff at your dentist’s office can assist in verifying insurance coverage and exploring financing options. Obtaining pre-authorization before treatment helps clarify coverage and reduces potential financial uncertainties.

LANAP is generally considered safe, and side effects are minimal. Some patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, or sensitivity, which typically resolves quickly. Your dentist will discuss potential risks and side effects with you during the consultation.

LANAP is a versatile treatment for various stages of gum disease, but individual suitability depends on factors such as the extent of the condition and health. Your dentist will assess the specific needs of each patient during the consultation to determine if LANAP is the most appropriate option.

Contact DFW Implant Center for Advanced LANAP Treatment in Arlington, TX

Don’t let advanced gum disease compromise your smile, take the first step toward saving your gums and enhancing your oral health. Schedule a consultation for LANAP treatment with Dr. Boltchi at DFW Implant Center by calling 817-663-4704 (new patients) or 817-467-7731 (current patients). DFW Implant Center proudly serves patients from Arlington and surrounding areas such as Irving, Fort Worth, and Grapevine, TX.

Bleeding gums? Contact DFW Implant Center today.

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